Monday, 2 April 2012

Now here's the thing......

The Steaming To Broadway Blog has been going for over 3 years now and during that time has attracted a fine group of followers and supporters. Requests for help with the Broadway Project in terms of donations and other supporting activities have been and remain generous. Thanks to you all.

 Nevertheless we have a shortfall of the funds necessary to get Platform 2A footings completed and thereby start the wall. The Blog Thermometer indicates current state of play. If we are to press on with building of the wall and continue to offer the Worcester College Students ongoing work experience, we desperately need £3000. The GWSR understandably are unable to help us out at this time. I hate the idea of standing the Worcester Students down for the Summer term and losing the momentum we have built up with our own team of volunteers. I am exploring all options.

 It is against all my Free Internet principles that I am asking supporters for a voluntary subscription to the Steaming to Broadway Blog. An annual Subcription of £12 per annum equates to 10p per view for regular followers. The donation button is a highly reliable and secure payment method. Whatever your own view is on the subscription principle, do not let it deter you from following our endeavours. The completion of Broadway Station and a first class Heritage Steam Railway using it, is the vision that must stay clear in our minds.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean we can't use the existing footings for 2a then Bill?

Anonymous said...

Donation on it's way.

All the best, look forward to continued progress and updates.

Bill said...

Anonymous 1 There is section which might be ok, a section that needs replacing and the southern end which does not yet exist.

Anonymous 2 thank you!

Anonymous said...

Subscription paid! I've enjoyed following the story of Broadway station's revival, so it's the least I can do.

Anonymous said...

"Donation" also made! Great blog and project

Anonymous said...

Reading the blgs worth more than that donation made

richard said...

Bill donation made. Cannot could not bare the thought of you all wasting your time at home when there is work to be done :P


Vic said...

I also add my penny worth, I will be there next Sat to do my stint

Vic (High Wycombe)

Belgrade said...

Bill, it's been a great pleasure to read the regular blog and to watch progress, so I'm very happy to contribute at this time. A donation has just been made.
All the best for this worthy project.

John R said...

Bill - very happy to donate. Let's hope the mercury in the thermometer can rise to match.

Garry said...

Donation made. You have all done too much at Broadway for this project to stall.

Looking forward to seeing the guys 'demolish' the brickwork in Taunton in the morning.


Martin said...

Donation made. Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

donation sent. Now keep it up, as the actress....

Anonymous said...

Donation happily made. Come on the rest of you. I know there are more than 14 of us watching this amazing story take shape!!

Great job Bill!

Anonymous said...

And I'll happily add my tuppence worth....

Dave said...

Donation made keep up the good work.

Geoff said...

Having read this blog for two years I feel some back pay is needed as well.

Keep up the good work as the end product is going to be fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I would like to set up a small monthly donation via payroll giving, then my company will add a few extra pennies to my donation. What is the charity name and number.
Ian H.

Bill said...

That is a very kind gesture. If you could email me I will send you the details.

David P said...

Donation made, I look forward to coming and seeing the work in person and helping out when I am able to.
David P