Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Wind Blew, the Rain Poured and then the Sun Shone

It was bit of an unpleasant day weather wise with a relentless wind all morning, heavy rain at lunch time, and then, thankfully some respite in the afternoon. Apart from Robin,  ever determined to reduce the pile of Wisley bricks, the 10 volunteers split into 2 teams, one finishing off the back edge of platform 1A and the other clearing the car park .

 By the end of the day the self proclaimed A Team had finish the  back edge of  1A and it really looks a treat. The slight narrowing to the slope to avoid the trees looks very in keeping and there is plenty of width for a barrow crossing.

Whilst retrieving soil for the back edge the end of the old platform 2 footings were located. They will have to be extended to match 1A.

 In the car park work continues at clearing and tidying up the cut down trees. Also the ditch clearance was  continued, Keith and John with shovels in hand. Andy P also showed us his axe swinging skills getting two large willow stumps out of the ditch.

Here I cut a lonely figure shifting the lopped branches from the saplings on the embankment. I really must change my deodorant!

Marguerite Goodman was on duty at the Broadway Shed, selling some great bric a brac to the passing supporters. I cannot emphasise enough how important Marguerite is to our cause. We tread a very fine line in terms of  solvency and every pound counts. I know many of you have dipped into your hard earned bank balances for us, and it is much appreciated. Nevertheless I am unashamedly asking  for everyone's help in keeping our fine project going. We will get there, but not without your help!

And Finally one of Jo's Videos


Roger said...

Impressive clearance! Surprising how big the area is now that it is cleared. But now we can see the bumps they look just like the ones currently being cleared from Chicken Curve....Or do I need to go to Specsavers?

Bill said...

Roger, Nothing wrong with your eyesight! There are some man made earth buttresses along this section and there is a known slip in one place. Nothing to stop a single track coming through though!

Anonymous said...

your going to need a passing loop tho, is your track bed good enough for that?

Anonymous said...

Thinking about it - would the Gabion idea work in reverse as a retaining wall down in the proposed car park area? That way it should give the embankment some extra stability (hopefully alowing enough space and strength for the passing loop) and slightly increased space in the car park?

Bill said...

There is expertise at hand to ensure the best solution is chosen. I do not pretend to know what that might be yet. Let's not try to do that on a blog! Thanks for your input.

Anonymous said...

Over 13,000 views of the blog, that's impressive! It doesn't surprise me at all, however, Bill you are doing an excellent job (as are all the volunteers).

Bill said...

Thanks for your kind words - we just need to kep the momentum going and we will see steam at Broadway!