The main focus was the continuing build of the Platform 1B wall. Great progress was made. It is great to see the pride that the college students take in their work. If it were me I would be pretty fed up with laying these blocks by now, but no, they kept at it and by the end of the day, all the 1B block work was done. A fantastic job. Only a lack of ballast stopped them from completing the infill.
It was the first day when blue bricks could be laid on 1B, which was quite a milestone. Weather permitting, I think this section of wall will go up quite quickly now, with the possibility of seeing it finished by the end of April. We shall see!

Of course part of ensuring the weather is kind to us is morning prayers and here Steve Rod and Terry do the necessary.

At the other end of the site we were hopeful of getting some 1A coping slabs laid, but we were only
partially successful. The start of this work was hampered by some lorry congestion on site. A drop off of some free second hand bricks from Vic Haines Transport blocked the main thoroughfare. Although always grateful for donation of materials I will have to make a better job of the scheduling deliveries.
Nevertheless, 3 slabs did get laid including slab no 68 ,the last on the slope. Richard from Fairview was his usual ebullient self, steering the slabs with pinpoint accuracy.

Down in the planned car park area a remarkable transition has taken place. Its now possible too see clearly from the Evesham Road through to the Childswickham Road. Any P and a loyal team of fire starters has made this possible. Sitting Bull would be impressed with the neatness of that bonfire.
Finally none of this work is achieved without careful surveying and planning. Here Gordon, is action with theodolite checking on the ground levels northwards.
Thanks again to Jo for this weeks photos (and the extra one from Peter).
If all goes well and Platform 1 is completed by April will you then start on Platform 2 or have you other plans in mind. Also how far advanced are you in the proposed construction of the buildings on Platform 1. Have you got the design signed off, planning permission obtained and decided who is going to construct it (yourselves or contractors).
Another fantastic report packed full with information and photographs. This must be my favourite blog on the internet. In the words of old Mr. Grace, "you're all doing very well!" Thank you very much, and keep 'em coming.
Best wishes,
Thank you for your comments. We are submitting our 2012 work plans to the Board and once approved I will share them with you.
Love the new header photo of "Truro". Makes a welcome change. S a previous commenter says, this is one of the best blogs on the internet.
Agreed, an excellent blog and morale-booster as ever. For 2012 my almanac says that Platform 2 will be built and the signal box will be started. Well, why not?
hi bill its marcus.i see its going well. hope to be back soon.
I would agree with Martin above if only the photo would display for more than 3 or 4 seconds. The whole picture then goes black. My computre is six months old running on Windows 7. Any one else exoperiencing this?
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