A keen wind blew up between the pines today and it was matter of keeping moving to keep warm! That's just what our 16 volunteers did - a great turn out for a Saturday.

There was a determined effort to finish 1A. It require a short section of the corbelling to be done and the ramp edges to be finished. The team working it were just beaten by the fading light - there is about 10 bricks to go! It will get finished on Wednesday. By then the infill will have been completed also The JCB is coming on Tuesday to move the contaminated ballast from the north end and deposit it into the void behind the wall. No small task - it will be interesting to see how far we can get!

The ramp at the Southern end is virtually complete - just the corbelling required. This is a great shot taken by Peter who kindly supplied all the other photos on this post.
On other fronts John B and Stuart did some pretty fancy carpentry work to box in an exposed water supply. It would have done justice to Moben Kitchens! It was a grand job and the pipe and tap can now be lagged to protect it from the winter weather. John B and Stuart aiming for perfection (below)

On other fronts the car park slashing an burning continued , but it was too windy for a bonfire which would have been very welcome on such cold day. The brick cleaning gang were joined my new member Mike today. Chris H set about chipping the excess mortar of 20 of the Honeybourne slabs in anticipation of laying them soon. We will try and get some laid before the end of the year, just to meet our target.
And finally the site paparazzi caught me inflagrante with the Christmas tree, putting the lights on. Marguerite is running " light a light for a loved one" which will be recorded on site. The charge is £5. Please come along and see Marguerite if you would like to do this.
Great to see the progress being made with 1A nearing completion. Curious to understand when the gap between 1 and 1A will be filled. Also can you share your thoughts on when the station rebuilding is likely to start?
Congratulations to all involved! An inspirational contribution to the community in and around Broadway.
From what I understand. 1 & 1b Will be connected leaving the gap between 1 & 1a for heavy machinery and vehicles to get through.
How often Will the college guys come down. Once per week?
Cheers Gavin
Hello Both,
Gavin is on the money with his description of the gap between 1 &1A.
I am hoping that the students will come every week. They are split into 2 team and take it in turns to come.
All I can say about the Station Building is that it won't be started in 2012, but there will be lots of new things to come and see, so please keep up the support!
As the subject of the Station Building has been raised, can I remind everyone of the need to recover bricks. Particularly of the specialised profiles shown here:-
And it's no good just telling us about them. Get in there and grab them.
Ferret them away somewhere and we will get them collected......err, eventually.
How about an entire GWR building from just down the road south of bristol. At Flax Bourton
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flax_Bourton_Station_2.jpg
you will have to copy and paste the link
Good progress was being made with the infilling by the JCB this afternoon. I look forward to seeing pictures following tomorrow's "shift"!
Thanks Gavin but the bricks look more Orange than Red. The 'chamferred' Blues around the transition and near the base of the chimneys could be useful, but that's about all.
However, the suggestion is appreciated.
The Flax Burton Station has many features that correspond to Toddington and therefore Broadway. The bricks at Broadway had (have - there are still some around!)an orange hue but not as pale as F B.
Anyway never say never!
They are currently demolishing Fords Foundry in Leamington Spa. On the Princes Drive end of the site is an Edwardian building with lots of bull-nosed and moulded window bricks- right era, right colour... need to be quick though.
see this link for a picture http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-14542118
Steve (stevebaker70@hotmail.com)
Fords redeveloper:
Trilogy Developments Ltd. 11 Gladsmuir Road, London, N19 3JY.
07801 235 940
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