Wednesday 5 October 2011

Wednesday 5th October 2011

A sea of hi vis today - 18 I think! Once more Platform 1A got most of the attention. Steve W and the JCB began the long haul of infilling behind the wall. This is both necessary, and vital for brick layers behind the wall to achieve a comfortable working height.  The objective was met by taking ballast from the 1B foundation line which has to be scraped down to soil level for a clean foundation trench to be pulled.

This was a bit of a slalom job for Steve,  avoiding people and bricks along the way. I could hear him tutting above the radio in his cab!

Nevertheless the job got done and it was a fine effort from all the volunteers who shovelled ballast all day to level it out. The infilled strip was wide enough for Steve B to drive Dot along it! That happened after I left so I was unable to get an action shot. Sorry!

From the North
From the South

It looks as though you could land a747 on it!

On other fronts Lamp Hut No. 1 got more paint stripped off it and its really beginning to look ready for a coat of paint (Dark Stone me thinks).

We also had a very interesting visit from the Building Department (Rob Smith) at Worcester College of Technology and I am hopeful that we can enter into a cooperation partnership, which allows students to come along each Wednesday, learn some practical skills and in so doing add some value to our project. I am a great believer in this approach and I will endeavour to make sure this is a successful venture. This is being coordinated by Chris Brooks, the Regeneration Manager  from Wychavon District Council.

Finally we had  a very welcome visit from  Senior Volunteer (experience not age!) Bryan Merrett from GWR Winchcombe  who has offered us a few "goodies" for us to refurb. during the Winter months. Bryan is thinking about joining us also and we will of course make him welcome.

More pictures to follow when my Foreign Correspondent (aka Peter H) reports in!


Anonymous said...

careful of those tree roots!

Bill said...

Quite right but we are just skimming the surface of the old foundations that were bulldozed up into the trees during the detruction of the original platform.