Sunday, 6 November 2011

Broadway Station Water Colour by Ian Gibson

We have been most fortunate in being offered a   water colour painting, especially painted for the Broadway Area Group by local artist Ian Gibson. It is a framed 29" x 24"  study of the famous  "Coffee Pot" Service waiting at Platform 1 at Broadway Station. It's a real beauty!

If you would like to own this painting, it is to be raffled off on the 10th December  2011. Raffle tickets can be obtained 4 ways:-

From any Broadway Area Group Volunteer
From the Information Kiosk at Broadway on Wednesdays and Saturdays
By Post - a form can be printed from the BroadwayStation Website at 
By donating £10.50(10 tickets) via Paypal  on the blog Donate Button. Tickets will be sent to your Paypal Account Address.

Please chance you luck with this unique opportunity to own a beautiful water colour painting. It is worth at least £600 on the open market. The 2 runners up will receive a signed A3 and signed A4 print respectively.

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