Sunday 26 June 2011

A Piece of Honeybourne Comes to Broadway

First deliveries on the
 Childswickham Road
 The demolition of the centre platform at Honeybourne is now well under way and the transfer of materials to Broadway has started in earnest. I hope this first consignment are representative of all the bricks - the old ash mortar has disintegrated nicely, making reclamation that much easier.

Andy and Rod (Driving)

Here Rod and Andy set off to bring the first batch from Childswickham Road back onto site. As predicted the bricks are are mixture of red, blue and brindles, but we will put them all to good use in Platform 1A.

Bricks in store

The lamp hut from Ascott under Wychbold should be arriving on site on Monday or Tuesday next. We have made a very impressive Helli-pad for it to land on so I hope it travels well and doesn't arrive as a heap of scrap iron!

Finally Ray, suffering withdrawal symtoms  from lack of bricklaying, set to with the strimmer along the embankment of  platform 1a, and very fine it looks too.

Post Script : Robin Elliott, in between medical procedures,  joined us for the day  on brick cleaning duties. Having sent them off from Wisley on Wednesday he was cleaning them on Saturday. Dedication I think!


Anonymous said...

Please can you move Broadway station over to Essex so I can come and help too!!

I would be grateful if you could explain how platform 1A fits into the scheme of things. Will it be an extension of platform one? Is it being built as a completely separate (i.e. isolated) entity to start with?

Best wishes,

(avid follower of the blog)

Bill said...

Hi Nigel,
Sometimes I wish the station was in Essex too!
Platform 1A will eventually be the southern end of the platform we have just built. There is an enforced gap between the two at the moment for site access.
Keep following!

SWrural said...

Yes this blog does wonders for my optimism. I try to pay a visit to GWSR whenever possible and spend a few pounds. Keep going everyone, how wonderful to have a worthy goal.

Howard Parker said...

Re: the demolition of the centre platform at Honeybourne, obviously it's a great source of bricks for Broadway but aren't we going to have to rebuild the platform at Honeybourne at some point anyway??